Ignatius to the Magnesians

Ignatius, also called Theophorus, to the church that is blessed by the grace of God the Father in Jesus Christ our Savior, greetings in Him to the church in Magnesia near the Maeander and I pray in God the Father and in Jesus Christ for your great joy.

Knowing your great orderliness in the love of God, I rejoiced and chose to speak to you in the faith of Jesus Christ. 2 Being deemed worthy of the most fitting name, I bear these chains of mine which I carry while singing praises to the churches, in which I pray for the union of the flesh and spirit of Jesus Christ, who is our constant life, through faith and love, which is preferred over everything, but mostly Jesus and the Father; in whom enduring every assault of the ruler of this age, we will achieve refuge from God.

Since I was blessed to see you through Damas, your God-worthy bishop, and your esteemed elders Bassus and Apollonius, and my fellow servant, the deacon Zotion, whom I have benefited from, because he is obedient to the bishop as to the grace of God, and to the elders as to the law of Jesus Christ.

And you should not be concerned about the bishop's age, but, by the power of God the Father, give him all due respect, as I have also seen the holy elders do, not judging him by his apparent youth, but wisely, in God’s way, supporting him—not just him, but the Father of Jesus Christ, who is the bishop of all. 2 Therefore, to honor the one who has chosen us, it is fitting to listen without any pretense; because it is not that someone deceives this visible bishop, but rather they are misleading the invisible one. This matter is not of the flesh but of God, who knows all secrets.

Therefore, it is proper not only to be called Christians but also to be Christians, just as some call someone a bishop but do everything without him. Such people do not seem to be sincere to me because they do not gather firmly according to command.

Since everything has an end and both death and life are set before us, each person will go to their own place. 2 Just like there are two kinds of coins, one belonging to God and the other to the world, each with its own mark, the unbelievers have the mark of this world, but the believers have the mark of God the Father in love through Jesus Christ. Without willingly dying for His passion, we do not have His life in us.

Since I have seen the entire crowd in faith among the previously mentioned people and loved them, I encourage you to do everything with the unity of God, with the bishop leading in God's place, the elders in the place of the apostles' council, and the deacons, my dear ones, entrusted with the service of Jesus Christ, who was with the Father before the ages and appeared at the end. 2 Therefore, since you have all received God's help, respect one another and do not look at your neighbor in a worldly way, but always love one another in Jesus Christ. Let there be nothing among you that can divide you, but be united with the bishop and your leaders as a model and teaching of immortality.

Just as the Lord did nothing without the Father and was united with Him, neither by Himself nor through the apostles, so you also should do nothing without the bishop and the elders. Do not try to appear wise on your own, but gather together with one prayer, one plea, one mind, and one hope in love and pure joy, which is Jesus Christ, because there is nothing better than Him. 2 All of you should come together to one temple of God, like coming to one altar, with one Jesus Christ, who came from one Father and is one and the same.

Do not be misled by different teachings or old, useless myths. For if we still live according to Judaism, we admit that we have not received grace. 2 For the most divine prophets lived according to Jesus Christ. Because of this, they were also persecuted, inspired by His grace to make the disobedient understand that there is one God, who revealed Himself through Jesus Christ, His Son. He is His Word who came from silence and pleased the One who sent Him in every way.

If those who followed old practices have come into a new hope, no longer observing the Sabbath, but living according to the Lord’s Day, on which our life also rose through Him and His death, which some deny, through which mystery we received faith, and for this reason we endure, so that we may be found disciples of Jesus Christ, our only teacher. 2 How can we live without Him, whom even the prophets, being His disciples in the Spirit, expected as their teacher? And for this reason, He, whom they justly waited for, raised them from the dead when He came.

Let us not be unfeeling about His goodness. For if He were to imitate what we do, we would no longer exist. Therefore, being His disciples, let us learn to live according to Christianity. For anyone who calls themselves by another name is not of God. 2 Get rid of the bad yeast, which has become old and sour, and change to the new yeast, which is Jesus Christ. Be seasoned with Him so that none of you may be corrupted, because you will be judged by the smell. 3 It is wrong to speak of Jesus Christ and then follow Judaism. For Christianity did not believe in Judaism, but Judaism in Christianity, to which every tongue believing in God was brought together.

Dear friends, I am not saying these things because I know some of you are like this, but as the least among you, I want to protect you from falling into the traps of pride. Instead, you should be fully convinced of the birth, suffering, and resurrection that happened during the time of Pontius Pilate's rule—events truly and surely done by Jesus Christ, our hope. May none of you stray from this.

I would be glad to be like you in every way, if I am truly worthy. For even if I am in chains, I am not compared to one of you who are free. I know you are not proud, for you have Jesus Christ within you. Furthermore, when I praise you, I know you feel humble, as it is written, "The righteous one accuses himself."


So, strive to be grounded in the teachings of the Lord and the apostles, so that everything you do succeeds in both body and spirit, faith and love, in the Son and the Father, and in the Holy Spirit, from the beginning to the end, along with your most honorable bishop and the worthy spiritual crown of your presbytery and the deacons who serve according to God's will. 2 Submit to the bishop and to one another, just as Jesus Christ submitted to the Father, and the apostles to Christ and the Father, so that there may be unity both in body and spirit.


Knowing that you belong to God, I briefly encouraged you. Remember me in your prayers, so that I may obtain God's favor, and remember the church in Syria, which I am not worthy to be called a part of. For I need your united prayers and love in God, so that the church in Syria may be refreshed through your church.


The Ephesians from Smyrna greet you, from where I am writing to you. They are present to the glory of God, just as you, who have supported me in every way along with Polycarp, the bishop of Smyrna. The other churches in the honor of Jesus Christ also greet you. Stay strong in God's unity, possessing an unwavering spirit, which is Jesus Christ.