Ignatius to the Trallians

Ignatius, who is also called Theophorus, to the church in Tralles of Asia, beloved by God the Father of Jesus Christ, holy, chosen, and worthy of God, peaceful in body and spirit through the suffering of Jesus Christ, our hope through his resurrection. I greet you with all the fullness of an apostolic character, and I wish you great joy.

I have learned that you have pure and unbiased minds, not just by habit but by nature, as Polybius, your bishop, has informed me. He came to Smyrna by the will of God and Jesus Christ and rejoiced with me, bound in Jesus Christ, so much that I saw your whole congregation in him. 2 Having received through him the goodwill according to God, I gave thanks, finding you, as I have known, to be imitators of God.

When you obey the bishop as if he were Jesus Christ, you seem to me to live not according to human ways, but according to Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that by believing in his death you may avoid dying. 2 So it is necessary, as you are doing, to do nothing without the bishop, but also to obey the elders as the apostles of Jesus Christ, our hope, in whom we shall be found living. 3 Deacons, who serve the mysteries of Jesus Christ, must please everyone in every way. They are not servants of food and drink, but servants of God's church. Therefore, they must avoid faults as they would avoid fire.

Likewise, let everyone respect the deacons as they would Jesus Christ, the bishop as a representative of the Father, and the elders as God's council and a link to the apostles. Without these, the church cannot be called such. 2 I am convinced you already live this way. I have seen the example of your love and I have it with me in your bishop. His conduct is a great lesson, and his gentleness is powerful. I believe even the non-believers respect him. 3 I love you and hold back, though I could write more strongly about this. I did not think it right to command you as if I were an apostle.

I think about many things in God, but I measure myself so that I do not get lost in pride. Now, I must be more afraid and not pay attention to those who flatter me because those who praise me also whip me. 2 I love suffering, but I do not know if I am worthy of it. My zeal is not obvious to many, but it fights against me more. So, I need gentleness, through which the ruler of this world is overcome.

Can I not write to you about heavenly things? But I am afraid that I might harm you since you are still young. And forgive me if you cannot understand them and get confused. 2 Even though I am bound and can understand heavenly things, angelic places, and princely orders, both visible and invisible, I am still a student. We still lack much so that we do not fall short of God's grace.

So I urge you, not I but the love of Jesus Christ, to only use Christian teachings and avoid strange plants, which are heresies. 2 They mix Jesus Christ with their deceit, like giving deadly poison with honey wine, which the ignorant gladly take, finding pleasure in what leads to their death.

So beware of such people. This will help you to stay humble and inseparable from God, Jesus Christ, the bishop, and the teachings of the apostles. 2 The one within the altar is pure; but the one outside the altar is not pure. This means, whoever acts without the bishop, elders, and deacons is not pure in conscience.

Not because I have known anything like this among you, but I warn you because you are dear to me, foreseeing the traps of the devil. So, take on gentleness and strengthen yourselves in faith, which is the Lord's flesh, and in love, which is the blood of Jesus Christ. 2 Let none of you hold anything against your neighbor. Do not give opportunities to the nations, so that the multitude in God is not blasphemed because of a few foolish ones. Woe to the one through whom my name is blasphemed for nothing.

So, be silent when anyone speaks to you without Jesus Christ, the one from the lineage of David, born of Mary, who truly was born, ate and drank, was truly persecuted under Pontius Pilate, was truly crucified and died, seen by those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. 2 He also truly rose from the dead, raised by his Father, just as his Father will also raise us believers in Christ Jesus, without whom we have no true life.

If, like some unbelievers who are actually atheists, they say that he only seemed to suffer, they are believing in an illusion. Why, then, am I in chains, and why do I wish to fight wild beasts? Am I dying for nothing? Then I am lying about the Lord.

Avoid the evil branches that produce deadly fruit, which anyone who tastes dies from. These are not the plants of the Father. 2 If they were, they would be branches of the cross, and their fruit would be imperishable, through which he calls you who are his members. The head cannot be born without its members, as God promises unity, which he is.

I greet you from Smyrna, along with the churches of God here with me. They have refreshed me in every way, both in body and spirit. 2 My chains urge you, which I carry for the sake of Jesus Christ, asking God to grant me success. Remain in your unity and in your prayers for each other. It is fitting for each of you, especially the elders, to refresh the bishop in honor of the Father, Jesus Christ, and the apostles. 3 I pray that you listen to me in love, so that my writing to you may not be a testimony against you. And pray for me, as I need your love in God's mercy, so that I may be deemed worthy of the calling I seek, and not be found unworthy.


The love of the Smyrnaeans and Ephesians greets you. Remember in your prayers the church in Syria, where I am not worthy to be mentioned, being the least of them. 2 Be strong in Jesus Christ, submitting to the bishop as to the commandment, and likewise to the elders. And love one another with an undivided heart. 3 My spirit prays for you not only now, but also when I meet God. For I am still in danger, but the Father in Jesus Christ is faithful to fulfill my request and yours, so that you may be found blameless.