Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans

Ignatius, also called Theophorus, to the church of God the Father and the beloved Jesus Christ, which has been shown mercy in every gift, filled with faith and love, lacking in no gift, most fitting for God and bearing holiness, which is in Smyrna of Asia, with a blameless spirit and the word of God, many greetings.

I praise Jesus Christ, the God who has made you so wise. I saw that you are established in unwavering faith, as if nailed to the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ in both body and spirit, and firmly rooted in love through the blood of Christ, fully assured in our Lord, who truly came from the line of David according to the flesh, the Son of God by God's will and power, truly born of a virgin, baptized by John so that all righteousness might be fulfilled by him. 2 He was truly nailed to the cross for us under Pontius Pilate and Herod the tetrarch, from whose fruit we are blessed by his divine passion, so that he might raise a sign for eternity through his resurrection for his holy and faithful ones, whether among the Jews or Gentiles, in one body of his church.

He suffered all these things for us so that we might be saved; and he truly suffered, just as he truly raised himself, not as some unbelievers say, that he only appeared to suffer—they only appear to be themselves. And as they think, it will happen to them, being without bodies and demonic.

For I know and believe that even after the resurrection, he was in the flesh. 2 And when he came to Peter and those with him, he said to them, "Take hold of me, touch me, and see that I am not a bodiless demon." And immediately they touched him and believed, being convinced by his flesh and spirit. Because of this, they scorned death and were found to be beyond death. 3 After the resurrection, he ate and drank with them as one with a body, even though he was spiritually united with the Father.

I advise you, dear friends, knowing that you also are in this situation. I warn you to beware of people who are like wild beasts. Not only should you not accept them, but if possible, do not even meet them. Instead, pray for them, that they might repent, which is difficult, but Jesus Christ, our true life, has the power to make it happen. 2 If it seemed that these things were done by our Lord, then it also seems that I am bound. Why have I given myself up to death, to fire, to the sword, to wild beasts? Being near the sword means being near to God; being among wild beasts means being with God. In the name of Jesus Christ, I endure everything to be with him, for he gives me strength as the perfect man.

Some people, not knowing, reject him, or rather, they were rejected by him, being advocates of death rather than of truth. They were not persuaded by the prophecies or the law of Moses, and even now, not by the gospel or by our own sufferings for humanity. 2 For they think the same about us. What use is it to me if someone praises me but blasphemes my Lord by not acknowledging that he came in the flesh? The person who says this has completely denied him and is carrying death. 3 Their names, since they are unbelievers, I have not thought it right to write down. Nor do I want to even mention them until they repent and turn to the Passion, which is our resurrection.

Let no one be deceived: even the heavenly beings, the glory of the angels, and the rulers, both seen and unseen, if they do not believe in the blood of Christ, are also judged. Let whoever can accept it, accept it. No one should be proud of their place, for everything is about faith and love, which are above all. 2 Take note of those who believe differently about the grace of Jesus Christ that has come to us, and see how they oppose the will of God. They don't care about love, or widows, or orphans, or those who are suffering, or prisoners, or the free, or the hungry and thirsty.

They avoid giving thanks and praying because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, who suffered for our sins, and whom the Father raised by His kindness. Those who oppose this gift of God and argue about it will die. It would be better for them to love, so they might rise again. 2 It's appropriate to avoid people like that and neither speak about them in private nor in public. Pay attention to the prophets, especially the Gospel, where Christ's suffering and resurrection are clearly shown to us. Avoid divisions, for they are the beginning of evil.

Everyone should follow the bishop as Jesus Christ followed the Father, and the elders as the apostles. Respect the deacons as God's command. No one should do anything related to the church without the bishop. Consider the Eucharist valid when it is under the bishop or someone he has permitted. 2 Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be, just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. It is not allowed to baptize or hold communion without the bishop. Whatever he approves, that is also pleasing to God, so that everything you do may be safe and sure.

It is good for us to repent while we still have time to turn to God. It is important to know God and the bishop. Whoever honors the bishop is honored by God. Whoever does anything secretly against the bishop serves the devil. 2 May everything abound to you in grace, for you deserve it. You have comforted me in every way, and Jesus Christ will comfort you. You loved me when I was absent and when I was present. God, for whom you endure everything, will reward you.

You did well by receiving Philo and Rheon Agathopus, who followed me for the word of God, as servants of God. They also give thanks to the Lord for you because you have comforted them in every way. Nothing you have done will be lost. 2 My spirit and my chains are in place of your souls, which you neither despised nor were ashamed of. And the perfect hope, Jesus Christ, will also not put you to shame.

Your prayer reached the church in Antioch, Syria. From there, bound with divine chains, I greet everyone, though I am not worthy to be there, being the least of them. But I was considered worthy according to God's will, not by my own choice but by God's grace. I pray this grace may be perfect, so that through your prayers I may find God's favor. 2 So that your work may be complete both on earth and in heaven, it is fitting to appoint the church as a godly ambassador, honoring God. In doing so, rejoice with those in Syria, because they have found peace, regained their own dignity, and their community has been restored. 3 It seemed right to me, as a worthy act of God, to send someone from among you with a letter, to share in celebrating the God-given peace they have received, and because they have already found refuge through your prayers. Since you are perfect, think perfect thoughts. God is ready and willing to do good for you.

The love of the brothers in Troas greets you, from where I am writing to you through Burrus, whom you sent with me along with the Ephesians, your brothers. He has comforted me in every way. I wish everyone would imitate him, as he is an example of God's service. Grace will reward him in everything. 2 I greet the God-worthy bishop, the honorable elders, my fellow servants the deacons, and everyone else individually and together in the name of Jesus Christ, through His flesh and blood, His suffering and resurrection, both physical and spiritual, in the unity of God and of you all. Grace, mercy, peace, and patience be with you always.


I greet the households of my brothers with their wives and children, and the virgins who are called widows. Be strong in the power of the Father. Philo, who is with me, greets you. 2 I greet the household of Tauia, whom I pray remains steadfast in faith and love, both physical and spiritual. I greet Alce, whose name I cherish, and Daphne the incomparable, and Eutychus, and everyone else by name. Be strong in the grace of God.