
For you interweb stalkers out there

Hi there! My name is James Cuénod and you have found what basically amounts to my quick ‘n dirty notes to myself. I have two basic interests: biblical studies (especially the Old Testament) and software development. Those collide in https://parabible.com (more on that later).

Currently I am a PhD student at Wheaton College studying Old Testament where I intend to write about Sabbath Theology. But I’ve been using Linux since before I can remember and writing software since before that (in the good ol’ days of QBasic).

I do an embarrassing amount of hobbyist programming - embarrassing because, given the quantity, one would expect the quality to be somewhat superior. Nevertheless, if you are interested in that you can see more about my software adventures here. Right now my pride and joy is https://parabible.com. Check it out. No seriously. If you don’t know Hebrew or Greek, well it’ll be less useful (but you can enable parallel texts from the menu). Basically, parabible is a tool that has transformed the way I do Old Testament studies by faciliating pretty sophisticated searches by letting users build searches based on morphological data quickly and easily (to understand a bit more of that, take a look at the gifs posted on https://twitter.com/parabible_com).

If you have any questions or want to hunt me down for some reason (other than malice), please feel free to make contact (but use some method other than the contact page here, I couldn’t be bothered to hook it up to an actual backend at this point).